Our Youth
The Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, Rev David J. Behar Youth Program provides a wide range of activities for toddlers to teens and everyone in between. The Shabbat groups held in the Hemmat Youth Lounge are our flagship program. Educators Naomi Solam and Avi Behar and their volunteer staff draw dozens of youngsters every week to our youth tefilla, perasha-time, games and snacks. Each Shabbat program culminates in our EB youth leading the entire kehila in a rousing rendition of Adon Olam.
Ongoing programs include Sephardic Pizmonim for kids, Chess Club with Aviad Cohen, Sephardic baking with the Ezra Bessaroth Ladies Auxiliary and teen outings with Rabbi David Benchlouch.
The rhythm of the Jewish calendar can always be felt at Ezra Bessaroth. Succot brings with it our annual Succa Hop, Pizza in the Hut, Succa Decorating Party and our teen Simhat Bet Hashoeva. Simhat Torah features youth lead services, lively hakafot with special treats and Ralph Capeluto’s sweet, crispy apples. Our Hannuka party with carnival games, and Birmuelos is a family favorite. Pesah time features our model seder, and our annual Purim celebration includes megillah readings, magicians, face painting and of course BINGO! The EB kids lead the entire congregation in a special Ladino Seder at our annual Tu B’Shevat dinner. Our love of Israel permeates the kehila at all times, but never more so than at Yom Haa’atzmaut when Ezra Bessaroth hosts the most lively Israel Independence Day celebration in all of Seward Park.
EB Youth Programs nurture a love of Judaism and Sephardic traditions while creating a lifelong relationship with the Jewish community and the Jewish people.
For more information contact Rabbi David Benchlouch at Rabbi@ezrabessaroth.net
206-722-5500 office@ezrabessaroth.net
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